Centinaia di organizzazione ebraiche negli Stati Uniti: «Rifiutiamo odio e divisioni»
«Dopo gli attacchi terroristici di Hamas in Israele del 7 ottobre, abbiamo visto bigotti ed estremisti sfruttare la crisi per diffondere odio, disinformazione ed estremismo»
«Dopo gli attacchi terroristici di Hamas in Israele del 7 ottobre, abbiamo visto bigotti ed estremisti sfruttare la crisi per diffondere odio, disinformazione ed estremismo. Questo è un momento di profondo dolore per gli ebrei, che piangono le vite spezzate e pregano per il rilascio degli ostaggi a Gaza – e questo dolore e questa paura sono aggravati da un terribile aumento dell’antisemitismo qui negli Stati Uniti e in tutto il mondo».
Così si apre il documento preparato dal Jewish Council for Public Affairs (Jcpa), un’organizzazione ebraica americana senza scopo di lucro che si occupa di relazioni comunitarie. Il documento è firmato da più di 100 gruppi ebraici negli Stati Uniti. Proprio negli Stati Uniti si moltiplicano le manifestazioni che chiedono il rispetto del diritto internazionale nel conflitto in corso. Molte delle manifestazioni sono organizzate dai gruppi firmatari l’appello in questione.
«Questo è un momento di profondo dolore per gli ebrei, che piangono le vite spezzate e pregano per il rilascio degli ostaggi a Gaza – e questo dolore e questa paura sono aggravati da un terribile aumento dell’antisemitismo qui negli Stati Uniti e in tutto il mondo».
«Sappiamo anche che non siamo gli unici a essere presi di mira in questo momento. I nostri vicini americani musulmani, arabi e palestinesi stanno affrontando il bigottismo, le minacce e la violenza – compreso l’ignobile omicidio di un bambino di sei anni avvenuto a Chicago, da parte di un uomo che, secondo quanto riferito, ha sposato l’odio anti-musulmano».
«Dobbiamo essere inequivocabilmente chiari – si legge ancora -: la comunità ebraica rifiuta l’islamofobia, l’odio antiarabo, l’antisemitismo e tutte le forme di bigottismo. Proprio mentre gli estremisti continuano a sfruttare questo momento, ci ricordiamo che la sicurezza e il futuro di tutte le nostre comunità sono inestricabilmente legati e ci impegniamo a combattere l’odio in tutte le sue forme. Siamo solidali con tutti i nostri vicini minacciati ed esortiamo i nostri leader eletti e civili, le forze dell’ordine, le scuole e le università e i datori di lavoro a chiarire che ci sarà tolleranza zero per qualsiasi atto di odio».
La lunga lista delle associazioni che hanno sottoscritto il testo:
Jewish Council for Public Affairs
A More Perfect Union: The Jewish Partnership for Democracy
American Jewish Committee
Americans for Peace Now
Anti-Defamation League
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action
Cultural and Secular Jewish Organization
Democratic Majority for Israel
Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America
Israel Policy Forum
J Street
Jewish Democratic Council of America
Jewish Labor Committee
Jewish on Campus
Jewish War Veterans (JWV)
Jewish Women International (JWI)
Jewtina y Co.
L’chaim! Jews Against the Death Penalty
MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger
Moving Traditions
National Association of Jewish Legislators
National Council of Jewish Women
National Education Association’s Jewish Affairs Caucus
National Ladies Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans
National Museum of American Jewish Military History
Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies
New Israel Fund (NIF)
Rabbinical Assembly
Reconstructing Judaism
Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association
The Haberman Institute for Jewish Studies
The Jewish Education Project
The Shalom Center
The Workers Circle
Tree of Life Center
Union for Reform Judaism
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Women’s League for Conservative Judaism
Association of Jewish Administrators of the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators
Atlanta Jewish Film Society
Atlanta Jews of Color Council
Baltimore Jewish Council
Bnai Keshet
Charleston Jewish Federation
Chicago JCRC
Chicago Jewish Labor Committee
Cincinnati Jewish Community Relations Council
Coastal Roots Farm
Congregation Bet Haverim
Congregation Beth David
Congregation Rodeph Shalom, Philadelphia
the Den Collective
Detroit JCRC/AJC
Educator’s Chapter of the Jewish Labor Committee
Greensboro Jewish Federation
Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council
JCRC Bay Area
JCRC for Tucson & Southern Arizona and the Tucson Jewish Museum & Holocaust Center
JCRC of Greater Charleston
JCRC of Greater Washington
JCRC of Jewish Silicon Valley
JCRC of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation
JCRC of the Jewish Federation of San Antonio
Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action
Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island
Jewish Committee, New York State Public Employees Federation
Jewish Community Action
Jewish Community Center and Federation of Augusta
Jewish Community of Amherst
Jewish Community Federation of the Mohawk Valley
Jewish Community Relations Bureau| AJC Kansas City
Jewish Community Relations Committee of Northern New Jersey
Jewish Community Relations Committee of the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond
Jewish Community Relations Committee of the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey
Jewish Community Relations Council of Atlanta
Jewish Community Relations Council of Broward County
Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston
Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Hartford
Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Mercer County, New Jersey
Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater New Haven
Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Phoenix
Jewish Community Relations Council of Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest, NJ
Jewish Community Relations Council of Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County
Jewish Community Relations Council of Jewish Federation of Springfield, IL
Jewish Community Relations Council of Louisville
Jewish Community Relations Council of Milwaukee Jewish Federation
Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas
Jewish Community Relations Council of New York
Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis
Jewish Community Relations Council of the Birmingham Jewish Federation
Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia
Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle
Jewish Community Relations Council of the Sacramento Region
Jewish Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs
Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Jewish Federation of Delaware/JCRC
Jewish Federation of Detroit
Jewish Federation of Dutchess County
Jewish Federation of Fort Wayne
Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor
Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta
Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton
Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg
Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford
Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles
Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville
Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh
Jewish Federation of Greater Portland
Jewish Federation of Greater Toledo
Jewish Federation of Howard County
Jewish Federation of Lane County
Jewish Federation of Reading/Berks
Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York
Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey
Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass
Jewish Federation of the Sacramento Region
Jewish Federation of Tulsa
Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts
Jewish Heritage Committee, District Council 37, AFSCME
Jews for Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ)
Jews United for Justice
jGirls+ Magazine
Kesher Pittsburgh
Levine Center to End Hate, Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester
Memphis Jewish Federation
Mid-Kansas Jewish Federation
Milwaukee Jewish Federation
Mishkan Chicago
Mitsui Collective
Mt. Sinai Health Foundation, Cleveland
New England Jewish Labor Committee
New Jersey Jewish Labor Committee
New York Jewish Agenda
Philadelphia Jewish Labor Committee
SAJ – Judaism that Stands for All
Springfield Jewish Community Center
Tampa JCCs & Federation
The Well
Tikkun Chant Circle
Tucson Jewish Museum & Holocaust Center
Tzedek Georgia
United Hebrew Trades – New York Jewish Labor Committee
United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula
Westchester Jewish Council
Youngstown Area Jewish Federation
Foto di Ted Eytan